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Our Mission Statement

InVision was founded in 2007 by David Bennett and his son Colby. Both David and Colby have been in the trades in some facet for most of their lives, primarily residential and light commercial building. The original goal in creating Invision was to provide sustainable, affordable homes with quality components and modern construction practices.

In recent years our team’s expertise has crossed into unique light commercial specialty projects as well as current home building and remodeling.

We enjoy watching the positive growth in and around the Stevenson and Skamania County region and are proud to be a part of it!


Meet the Team


I guess I am considered a senior citizen now and the years have graced me with a wonderful life, five kids and eight grand kids.  It has also been a lifetime of working in residential construction and associated fields. I started working in high school, since that early beginning I have been involved in cabinets to concrete foundations to flooring. I graduated from Lewis & Clark College with a degree in Business. I spent 17 years in specialty manufacturing building cabinetry for Mitusbishi and Sony.  The rigors of working with these companies was a time that taught me planning, doing exactly what you commit to and the need to put quality above all else.

David bennett


I grew up in Portland Oregon in and around family construction and manufacturing businesses.   After attending the University of Oregon and attaining a Bachelors of Science I worked for the family manufacturing company.  For the last 20 years I have been building homes from the ground up as a carpenter and General Contractor.  In the most recent years I have been specializing in custom design-build projects. 

colby bennett


I grew up in Gresham and Graduated in 1996 from Gresham High School. I took business classes at Mt. Hood CC to help better understand how business' operate. I have been working with Dave and Colby for 20 years, although in 2 different industries. They have taught me a lot, and become family. I love working with our customers and being a part of the community. I'm grateful for the long term relationships and friendships our passion for building has created over the years. Outside of work I love to spend time with my wife, children and friends. I also enjoy a good tropical vacation or maybe it's just the Margaritas?!

Dawson west
project manager